Submit Files

Go to to access our ftp site. Please call your account manager for a username and password.

Uploading files

  1. Collect all your job-related files (including a low-res PDF for reference) in a folder on your system and compress it into .zip format.
  2. Use your web browser to navigate to our FTP site and create a folder with your project name.
  3. Open the project folder and create a new folder named with the today’s date (for example, 03-26-2012).
  4. Upload your .zip file into the date folder.
  5. When the upload is complete, contact us so we know to begin production.

For subsequent uploads, place your revised files into a new dated folder within your project folder (for example, 03-26-2012-2). This will help us identify your most recent files.

Please note that usernames and passwords are case-sensitive. And, our server will block your IP address if you make several unsuccessful login attempts. Type carefully!